Of the five Bluewater Moorea Whale Snorkeling trips scheduled for 2021, four were postponed due to local covid lockdowns in French Polynesia. Whether our final trip of the season would proceed was touch and go, but thanks to a huge effort from the Bluewater team, our operators in Moorea, some cooperative whales, and the flexibility and understanding from our guests on the trip, we were able to pull off a fantastic week!
Read Trip Leader, Mike Chiado's, Trip Report, and get inspired for your trip to swim with whales in French Polynesia.
Mike used a Nikon D850 on Nauticam DA-850 housing,Nikon AF-S 8-15mm fisheye lens, 1.4x Kenko extender, Nauticam 140mm glass fisheye optical dome port.
Read our blog on swimming with whales in other great destinations.